Brochures Specifications Case Studies Features Applications Benefits
Pedestal WayPhones are designed for call box applications
where you do not have a structure to attach a phone or require the phone to stand
out. A solar option is also available so together with cellular you have a cable
free installation.
Installations examples

Panel style WayPhone is ideal for security phone,
gate entry or tunnel applications where the emergency phone is flush mounted into
a wall, bollard or other structures such as a fire cabinet door in a tunnel.
Installations examples

Voice Clarity Enhancement technology is available for integration into 3rd party products. The VCE module can be easily customised to suit various connection and integration requirements. A matched speaker/microphone assembly is also available.

Wall style WayPhone is uniquely designed to allow
many installation options; wall proud, flush, pole and barrier mountings.
The Wall style is extremely vandal resistant.
Installations examples

The WayPhone Tester efficiently monitors WayPhones health. Facilities for emergency phone diagnostics, event logging and configuration changes are provided under keyboard control.

The WayPhone Manager is a Call Centre solution for
managing multiple help points using VoIP technology (virtual PBX). Facilities for
call control, call recording, phone diagnostics, event logging and configuration
changes are all provided under mouse/keyboard control in a user-friendly Windows
The Manager is scalable so you can have hundreds of emergency phones and multiple
control rooms and operators. It is easily integrated into a central control system
with connection via TCP/IP.